I flew to a blue zone to spend a week with 20 girls I had never met… to transform my mind, body & soul.

Each day I got out of my comfort zone & did the internal work to reclaim my power within. I had to let go of my need for control and truly surrender.

Finding joy in the small things, rewiring my mindset & unplugging from the noise of the world. The silence and stillness told me more than I ever could have imagined.

I left with a new zest for life, lifelong friendships, a full heart & the belief that I can be and do anything I put my mind to.

“The energy you surround yourself with, the people that you allow to access you, & the environments that you stay in shape your life…

It is your responsibility to constantly evaluate whether your surroundings are inspiring you to become a better person or requiring you to dim your light.” - Dèjarae

To reach your highest potential it is essential to have boundaries. Be picky about how you spend your time, it is the most valuable asset we have. ✨

@withinyouco @rebeccaleigh have been my catalyst for changing my life over the past few years. This retreat was the best experience of my life.

#retreat #wellnessretreat #nosaracostarica #bodhitreeyogaresort #withinyouco #transformation #mindbodyandsoul #innerwork #zestforlife


5 Foods to eat that support your skin & Gut Health


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