Easy Vegetable Recipe
The best vegetable recipe to eat more fiber and feed your gut microbiome without the bloating! I make a variation of this almost every single day. I have learned to love eating vegetables.
When I was detoxing from my mold exposure I was eating up to 3 cups of vegetables a day… yes, 3 cups LOL. Glad I don’t have to do that anymore but also it taught me to love eating them.
Dare you to try swapping out your raw veggies/ salad for this cooked vegetable recipe!
Fun fact you will rarely catch me eating salads. I have been lightly cooking / sautéing my vegetables for optimal & ease of digestion!! It’s a game changer.
I used;
Leeks & Bok Choy
Radishes from the farmers market
Zucchini from the farmers market
Brussel sprouts & Rainbow carrots
Cilantro from the farmers market
How I like to do it:
cut up vegetables of choice
2-4 tbs water or bone broth in @ourplace pan.
Turn on medium heat until slightly tender, add salt and fresh herbs.
Increasing the amount of warm foods you eat will ensure a happier gut.
#cookyourveggies #easyvegetablerecipes #radishes #eattobeatdisease #pegandiet #fiberfirst #cruciferousvegetables