25 things I’ve Learned in my 25 years!
25 years… plenty of laughs and some cries. Life is such a beautiful thing. I feel so beyond blessed to be here and healthy!!! Here are a few things that I have learned in my years on earth. Cheers to a new year, full of love, peace and joy!
#1 Family over everything- yes everything
#2 Pray everyday (God is what you’re searching for)
#3 Choose to love & accept yourself
#4 Nobody cares if you go to the party
#5 If it’s not a fuck yes, it’s a no
#6 Listen more than you speak
#7 The way you look is the least interesting thing about you
#8 Act on your dreams, they are in your heart for a reason! The world needs your take on things
#9 Ask the coffee barista how they are, treat your server as if they are a friend
#10 Surround yourself with people that are the kind of person you want to be
#11 Go on the trip. Getting away tells you everything you need to know
#12 It’s okay to cry, it’s actually really healthy
#13 Say how you feel - people can’t read your mind
#14 Don’t touch your phone right when you wake up - let your mind think for itself
#15 Educate yourself on a topic that you are curious about, lean into your passions
#16 Eat the ice cream (if you want to)
#17 Show up for the people that you love
#18 I have never ever regretted not drinking…
#19 Slow down cowboy - without rest there is no longevity
#20 Wear what makes you feel good - who cares about trends start your own
#21 Take care of your body - get back to the basics ;)
#22 Get out of your comfort zone
#23 Start investing, even if it’s $10, better than $0
#24 There are NO rules in life
#25 You don’t need to explain yourself… it’s okay to be misunderstood